Being brave and trying something new can really pay off and not in a way you would think
For the last three weeks I have been trying out a craft fair in Marazion. It's in in a small church hall in the centre of the stunning town with beautiful views of St Micheal's Mount across the water.
I started off my title by saying I'm being brave because for me this was a brave step to take. There is nothing like standing in front of potential buyers in person to build your sales skills. I have found it hard to sell my own art. Even describing it as beautiful in an Instagram post makes me cringe, and want to curl up into a ball and hide. I think because I was brought up not to be "big headed" as they used to say. It wasn't seen as a good thing to boast about what you have achieved. Funny that isn't it. I really think we should boast about ourselves more and believe in ourselves.
I'm loving my craft fair days out now. I'm meeting new people, I can talk about my art work and find out what is the most popular. You'd be surprised how many times I'm asked "Is this your work?".
I've not sold a great deal, but what I have gained in experience, new contacts and future potential customers far out weighs that anyway.
If your on holiday near Marazion or St Ives this summer holidays, come over and say hi. I'll be there on Tuesday 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th August and I will be at the Guild Hall in St Ives on Wednesday August 10th.